पड़ोस (Pados) A neighborhood development and health initiative
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Indians and Indian society derived its strength for hundreds of years from two important cultural assets joint families and neighborhood.

Joint Families-People lived together ,often for many generation and everything that they had were shared by the family. Not everybody in the family was equal or alike, but they complemented and supported each other. Their wisdom and knowledge, their education and position, their abilities and experience, their earnings and support- all were shared. Household work, rearing up of children,care for elders –all were shared. And so were shared-their weaknesses and sorrow, their problems and stresses, their financial and special needs .
They shared occasions, festivals and happy and unhappy events in the family. This acted as a great support system and a stress buster.

Families were closely knit and the relations were strong and dependable. Any loss was shared. They were cared for when they were sick . Families were taken care for well in an unfortunate event of death of father or mother. And, people lived happily enjoying everyday family events.
Incidence of life style diseases-hypertension (high blood pressure) and heart diseases and diabetes were less.
Neighborhood-Neighbors were there for generations together and were actually like an extended joint families and they offered support  and shared all events and everyday life together. They cared for each others and bothered for their well being. They were there whenever there was a need and even without. Their interest in the family matters was not considered an interference because they were also an extended family.
Change in the social structure-
Our social structure has undergone a big change over several decades and the joint family system has largely disintegrated at most places in India save for few under developed areas. The neighborhood also does not provide that support.
The modern way of life  where most people are working for somebody else has necessitated migration. Smaller family size, better prospect of job,education   and amenities in bigger cities  has led to movement of families out of the joint families. Over the years it has not only given rise to birth of nuclear family in structure  but also in mindset. Now you do not share your earning, education and knowledge. You do not care for any children other than yours. Often you even do not care for your parents-they are a burden ,a bad weight. So ,you do not even share your stresses, your needs , your sorrows and unhappy periods.
Neighbors are just a formal acquaintances to whom you just greet at best. In bigger cities you may not even know your next door neighbor. You do not share anything except a formal artificial smile when you see each other. You do not talk about your problems and achievements with your neighbors. You do not give any suggestions- it may be considered an interference into their lives. And you certainly miss all that. Because you are an Indian and this culture is in your blood for thousands of years. So you often talk about it, you wish to do it and some times you do it to.
Change in the social structure is a reality something that can not be undone nor it is desirable. Does that mean that  we will loose our strength?
Need to develop  a new culture  and reclaim our strength
In the changing social scenario we need to change our culture for good and reclaim our social strength which our forefathers so intelligently kept together for thousands of year. We can not let that disintegrate. If you do not  act now our cultural strength will surely and slowly vanish and it will be extremely difficult to reclaim that.
This is a fast changing time and this  generation has to do something to reclaim our strength  for us and for our future generations.
We will probably not be able to live in a joint family physically but we will always have a neighborhood- even if they are not the same for generations. We will have neighbors whom we know for few years, months weeks or days.
We need to develop a system and culture , a custom and an ettiquet where we start interacting with our neighbors and develop close ties with them. We need to develop neighborhood joint activities, we need to care for them and we need to share. We need to develop neighbors as strength , strength of a family .
Surely, this will not develop overnight . The mindset needs time to change, culture needs time to develop. And we need to match the pace of disintegration and beat it.
We need to start small activities which will bring people together and help them all. They will start caring for each other and  their neighborhood.
Our changing lifestyle  and sedentary ways and high stress levels has made us the diabetes capital of the world. Coronary artery diseases (heart diseases) are also on a sharp rise. We know that we need to change our lifestyle. Our doctor also advises us the same-but does any change happens?
Our first project is –“Plant a tree for your country”
And we wish to launch it on 15th of August –our Independence day. We wish to plant as many trees on that day as possible- One tree by for everybody. If you can plant more it is better. Again it is totally voluntary. You need to organize and encourage people for this great mission. We also need to see that all plants survive. Those who can plant a tree in land ( those living in multistory flats) should plant in a pot. We need to make people more eco friendly and environment conscious.

Latest project:

"SECURE Zero Waste 2020"
Segregate-Educate-Compost-Utilize-Recycle-Energy Production

The  improper disposal of waste is a great problem in our country causing several kinds of health and environmental hazards besides consuming huge amount of our limited resources. We consider waste a resource. About 60% of our waste can be composted and 20% recycled or reused. This will significantly reduce drainage of our resources in disposing this waste. In addition we will be able to utilize about 80% of our waste being generated... More >>

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